Bar None Cowboy Church Gray Court, SC
Bar None Cowboy Church Gray Court, SC

Please feel free to send us your prayer request.  Also we will have someone available after each service to talk and pray with you about any concerns or issues you maybe dealing with.  The power of Prayer is amazing and God's hands can heal.

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Contact Us

Bar None

Cowboy Church

4737 N. Old Laurens Rd.

Gray Court, SC 29645


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 497

Gray Court, SC 29645


Jonathan Gee

Worship Leader



To Mail your Tithe

Bar None Cowboy Chruch

PO Box 497

Gray Court, SC 29645


Or use our contact form.

We welcome everyone Thursday nights at 7 pm.  Location is the Owings Music Hall.



    Regular Hours

7 PM Thursday Nights

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© Bar None Cowboy Church